My courage to imagine your courage
I am in danger,
A woman.
So I asked my courage to imagine his courage.
She said,
His courage is imperfect,
His courage gets it wrong,
His courage knows that time,
It’s late, it’s early, it’s now, it’s never, it’s always.
My patience waits,
She says,
His courage listens.
His courage comes back.
His courage does not always know his way.
His courage knows to detour.
His courage knows never to quit.
His courage is grateful.
Be so brave.
And patient,
And conquer, my love.
The radio will forgive
My love for making time
To imagine his courage.
She says,
Don’t forget
Even though light burned his pride and stung your feet
I laughed with courage,
With your shadows dancing.
So be brave.
Yes, love.
Yes, patience.
Yes. Glory, hallelujah.
Still, again,
I had to ask
My courage to imagine your courage.
And in time
She said,
His courage looks like he knows what is his, where it came from, where he left it and that I refuse to make it mine.
His courage looks like he is choosing you.
His courage says, “In my courage, I choose to dance my fears until they love you.”
Greet his courage over your highest whelm.
Hold us there.
His courage feels like freedom evolving.
His courage feels visionary.
His courage includes you.
His courage includes me.
When his courage holds me, you can be as bold as a bell.
We’ll ring out in honour of his courage:
Of his own free will
His courage sits beside you, so stop smoking by the fire.
His courage comes back in the morning after a stupid fight.
Don’t forget
How his courage tumbled from your balcony to your bed.
You are children.
His courage found his condemned soul in the gallows, held its face, whispered forgiveness, released his love from death;
His courage reached for your hand under the table.
His courage reaches,
Places your hand at the centre of his chest, over his heart, where it belongs.
His courage knows where you belong.
His courage knows where I belong.
Your courage knows where he belongs.
So be brave, my love.
And patient.
And conquer pain.