The Astro Protocols
Transformative astrological processes over three weeks
"Perfectly timed. Empowering, insightful, non-judgemental."
Past Protocols
“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.”
“If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.”
Audre Lorde
“Remember that self-doubt is as self-centred as self-inflation. Your obligation is to reach as deeply as you can and offer your unique and authentic gifts as bravely and beautifully as you are able.”
Bill Plotkin
“What am I living for and what am I dying for are the same question.”
Margaret Atwood
Earth’s social, economic and political landscape has been irrevocably changed. The old maps are meaningless. The path is unclear. The future is unknown.
While the Sun is in Virgo - the sign of practicality, analysis, service and healing - it is an optimal time for you to get clear about your innate purpose - the thing that is really yours to do - so that you can stride forward with dignity into the mystery.
To do that, you will benefit from having your map.
Which map?
The map of the stars at the precise moment you were born.
This map shows you what you’re here for, what you’re made of, and how you can survive and thrive by making decisions that serve your highest good... and bring about reciprocal gains.
Your own, personal, unique map will...
show you the unchangeable and dynamic truths of your life...
tell you how your purpose can sustain you, practically and materially…
light up the pathway to share your authentic gifts.
This map has been drawn for one reason:
For you to find your own way to your P U R P O S E is in this lifetime.
"At a moment when a newborn baby draws its first breath, the spirit of this world enters it and gives it life. It is the spirit of the time, the moment the baby inhales. Because of the unity of nature, every moment is the embodiment of everything existing; it is shaped by the whole, the cosmos, the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun, neighbouring planets and far away stars. All those bodies are energy forms, the entire nature is energy, which expresses itself by shaping, and at the moment when an infant cuts its physical ties to its mother, its tie to the new, wider world is introduced: the cosmos.”
Ivan Antic - The Metaphysics of Astrology
** What is your purpose, here and now? Where does it arise from, and what is it in aid of?
** How can your purpose adapt in the coming years to meet the changes that Earth is undertaking?
** How can you, your family and kin live in harmony with your unique purpose?
** How easeful is purposeful living for you?
** What unique gifts do you have that will open the gateways and enable you to live your purpose with dignity?
** What does service mean for you? What are you offering?
** Are your offerings being reciprocated? How can they be? What would right reciprocity look like for you?
** What are your ambitions in aid of?
** What would happen if your ulterior motives became overt motives?
** When can you expect success?
HINT: It's likely that your personal astrological answers to these questions are quite different from what society has led you to expect. Which makes sense, because if the answers were obvious, you wouldn’t be reading this.
You will release attachment to the ecstasies and miseries of your previous convictions.
You will dream again of what is possible for you.
You will discover innate tools and practices that support you to thrive.
You will gain detailed insight into the bounty of your own life, and how and when to harvest the crop of your efforts.
You will open your heart to the potent medicine that lives inside each being.
You will nourish your destiny.
What you will get
Two 2-hour online group workshops.
Group ritual to find the unique medicine that you have to offer.
Solo facilitated shadow work exercise to uncover what you secretly desire, and what is holding you back.
Guided meditation to surrender to your destiny.
A personal 1-2-1 natal chart reading.
Guidance from tarot.
Opportunity to ask specific questions.
A video recording of your natal chart reading, tarot guidance, and a digital copy of your natal chart.
Understanding of how the concepts, symbolism and archetypes of purpose, dignity, reciprocity and service show up for you personally according to your astrology.
Personalised insight from the Gene Keys, Chandra Symbols, Sabian Symbols and Celtic Ogham regarding your purpose in this lifetime.
AVAILABLE BY SPECIAL REQUEST: Personalised exercises and herbal prescriptions to support your alignment with purpose.
Wednesday 2nd September: 6.30-8.30pm CET - first workshop, online by Zoom.
Wednesday 23rd September: 6.30-8.30pm CET - second workshop, online by Zoom.
Individual times for 1-2-1 natal chart readings will be arranged separately with each participant between 4th-16th September.
“Belonging doesn’t begin with other people accepting us. It begins with our acceptance of ourselves. Of the particular life and skin each of us was born into, and the work that that particular birth entails."
- Adrienne Marie Brown, Recommendations For Us Right Now From A Future
"At a moment when a newborn baby draws its first breath, the spirit of this world enters it and gives it life. It is the spirit of the time, the moment the baby inhales. Because of the unity of nature, every moment is the embodiment of everything existing; it is shaped by the whole, the cosmos, the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun, neighbouring planets and far away stars. All those bodies are energy forms, the entire nature is energy, which expresses itself by shaping, and at the moment when an infant cuts its physical ties to its mother, its tie to the new, wider world is introduced: the cosmos.”
- Ivan Antic - The Metaphysics of Astrology
“Defying acceptability by following your star is a huge risk because we know, even if unconsciously, that stepping out of false belonging means taking on the responsibility of leadership and independence. This can’t be underestimated.”
- Toko-pa Turner - Belonging
While the Sun is in Leo, the sign of the charming, faithful and magnanimous Leader...
And Covid-19 has pushed many of us to connect with our homes, families and neighbourhoods in ways that we haven't had to for a long time...
And the whole Earth is being powerfully impacted by constrictive Saturn, expansive Jupiter, dreamy Neptune, rebellious Uranus and wounded Chiron, all in Retrograde...
And the changes that need to come have only just begun...
Divination for Justice asks:
Beyond ideas of identity, legality, politics and inheritance, where do you truly belong?
What belongs to you?
What kind of home environment is right for you at this time, and in the coming years?
Where do you begin, and end?
What kind of companionship meets your needs?
Which friends are for life, and which friends are for a specific purpose?
Who can you build community with, and who would you do well to avoid?
How do you accept your own, and how do you reject others?
HINT: It's likely that the personal astrological answers to these questions are quite different from what society has led you to expect. Which makes sense, because if the answers were obvious, we would not be living through what academics, theologians and politicians are calling a Crisis of Belonging.
KINSHIP is an alchemical process to transform your self-perception of where you truly belong.
Looking beyond the terrestrial identity markers we choose - and those which are forced upon us...
towards the wider cosmos...
to which we all belong.
You will shed false belonging.
You will release shame that prevents you from creating healthy connections.
You will nourish your intuitive allegiance to that which you truly belong.
You will open your heart to affinity, loyalty and reciprocity.
You will emerge unified and resourced from hearth fire of your destiny.
You will know where you belong, when and with whom, and how to hold your integrity when an Other crosses your boundaries.
“The pain pushes you, until the vision pulls you.”
Micheal Beckwith
Humanity is being called into an Initiation by Fire.
Mars, the Warrior, is entering their home sign of cardinal fire Aries on 27th June 2020.
They will stay there for six months until, 6th January 2021.
While Mars is in Aries, they will team-up with Eris, Soveriegn of Discord.
While Mars is in Aries, they square up to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto no less than three times.
Six months is a long time to burn. You will need to be brave, and have a strong vision of what you want.
"I believe in being ready, for the time is coming near." - Rising Appalachia
Bravery is my love language. Courage pumps my blood. Overcoming fear is my survival mechanism. Learning to forgive is my key to liberation. Knowing my truth is how I heal my wounds.
C O U R A G E is an alchemical process that will teach you what you need to know about yourself in order to step up fearlessly towards the bright horizon of your becoming.
You will clear negative attachments that keep you small.
You will forgive the demons in your head.
You will nourish your strength so that you can get what you want.
You will open your heart to passionate determination.
You will emerge tender and valiant from initiatory fires.
You will know who you are, what you want, and what you will no longer abide.
You will receive:
* Two 2-hour online group workshops.
* Guided forgiveness meditation.
* Group ritual to anchor your truth.
* A personal 1-2-1 in-depth natal chart reading.
* A video recording of your natal chart reading, and a digital copy of your natal chart.
* Understanding of how the fighter, warrior and strategist archetypes show up for you personally according to your astrology.
* Personalised exercises and herbal prescriptions to condition, tone and strengthen your bravery.
* Personalised insight from the Gene Keys, Chandra Symbols, Sabian Symbols and Celtic Ogham regarding your purpose in this lifetime